What we do
What makes us unique.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture is an effective form of medical treatment that has evolved into a complete holistic health care system. Acupuncture promotes natural healing. It is safe, painless and effective way to treat a wide variety of medical problems.
AcuGraph Digital Meridian Imaging
Ancient wisdom meets cutting-edge technology. We use digital meridian imaging to create a graph of your Qi or energy, discuss the results and develop a custom treatment plan for you.
Cancer Treatment Support
We know going through cancer treatments is tough, frustrating and basically sucks. Through acupuncture, herbs, and other modalities, we can help alleviate the side effects and bring your body back into balance.
Womens Health and Fertility
Whether your dealing with fertility issues or menopause, we will customize a treatment plan for you!
Sports Medicine
If you’re a weekend warrior or a professional athlete, do you sometimes push your body to extreme? Do you hone your skills and technique in order to become a healthier, stronger, faster and more agile athlete?
Veterans Acupuncture
Scot founded the Veterans Acupuncture Center of Colorado, a non-profit, to treat our veterans and their families. Click picture for more information.
We are the major sponsor for the Annual TOFF 4 TATAS Golf Classic, a fund raiser for breast cancer. Click her to register and find out more information.